Skin Conditions & Warts
Skin Condition & Warts in Chicago
Do you have a bump on your foot that won’t go away? Advanced Foot Care Center in Chicago can help residents with various skin conditions and warts. Caused by a virus entering your skin through small cuts or abrasions—many are invisible to the human eye. They tend to be hard with a flat surface and can be very painful. They can be contracted anywhere on the body, but the ones found on the feet are referred to as plantar warts. If left untreated, they may continue to spread to other body parts.

Wart Prevention
Warts are usually caused by walking barefoot on dirty surfaces or on areas where the virus can be contracted. In order to prevent getting them, you should:
- Avoid walking barefoot
- Change sock and shoes daily
- Keep feet dry and clean
- Do not ignore abnormal growths
- Visit Advance FootCare Center to schedule check-ups
Treatment Options
If you have warts or any other type of skin condition on your foot, there are various treatments that can remove said blemishes, such as:
• Shaving the callous off
• Freezing
• Applying an acid compound
You no longer have to be embarrassed by unnecessary skin conditions.
Call our office at 773-472-1882 or Book Your Appointment Online to schedule an exam today!